Travel Trivia
Think you know everything in the world? Test your knowledge with our new Travel Trivia questions!Simply e-mail your answer to our trivia question to One winner will be selected at...
View ArticleTravel Trivia: Panama
Think you know everything in the world? Test your knowledge with our new Travel Trivia questions!Simply e-mail your answer to our trivia question to One winner will be selected at...
View ArticleAncient Shark Nursery Off Prehistoric Coast of Panama
Just 1.5 million years before humans began taking leisurely dips in the ocean, the waters were home to an immense shark "Megalodon" (formally known as Carcharocles megalodon). Despite coming in at more...
View ArticleCalling All Foodies: IE Features Authentic Local Cuisine
Travel + Leisure readers (and our guests) have just named IE one of the Top 10 "World's Best" Tour Operators and Safari Outfitters! To qualify for the awards, tour operators were judged on six...
View Article5 Questions with Panama Tour Naturalist Ivan Hoyos
It’s truly International Expeditions’ enthusiastic local guides that make our Panama tours so special, and no one is more passionate about his work than Panama Expedition Leader and Naturalist Ivan...
View ArticleGet a Good Caffeine Buzz in Boquete
The lush fields covering the mountainsides of Panama’s Chiriquí Highlands in Boquete are home to various forms of wildlife, including the sought-after resplendent quetzal, making nature travel through...
View ArticleBirders Flock to Panama’s Rainforest Reserves
Panama is full of fascinating sights, both man made and natural. And while exploring the historical and engineering wonders of the canal is a highlight for many first-time visitors to Panama, nature...
View ArticlePanama's Three-toed Sloths Not as “Slow” as They Seem
Birds, amphibians and reptiles are all exciting aspects of nature travel, but larger mammals like the three-toed sloth make for an especially memorable sight, especially for families traveling with...
View ArticleScientists Discover Two Ancient Species of Camel in Panama
Researchers are constantly discovering previously unknown species, and sometimes these species have been extinct for millions of years. A team of scientists from the Florida Museum of Natural History...
View ArticleMiraflores Locks Elevate the Panama Canal's Ships
Although not the most natural of attractions in Central America, the Miraflores Locks are still an important part of society in Panama and have important implications there. It is hard to imagine a...
View Article4 Fun Facts About the Panama Canal
Seeing the Panama Canal is a dream for many guests on IE's Panama tours. While the canal is currently being expanded, here are four interesting facts that you may not know about one of mankind's...
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